As I thought about this month’s topic, I asked myself this question. I know that I’m supposed to be a Game Changer but who was the Ultimate Game Changer Katrina? I’m sure you guys already know who it is. As a kid, I remember the late, great Muhammad Ali saying that he was in fact the greatest of all time. But I beg to differ Mr. Ali, there has never been anyone like this man named Jesus. There is NO ONE greater! He is absolutely AND undisputedly the G.O.A.T.
This week I followed the Ultimate Game Changer to the mountain top where he taught thousands of men, women and children without a PA system or microphone. And when I arrived, he was summing up what is now known to us as ‘The Sermon On The Mount”; And out of everything that was recorded in the 7th chapter of Matthew, the 28th and 29th verse in particular really caught my eye. “When Jesus concluded his address, the crowd burst into applause. They had never heard teaching like this. It was apparent that he was living everything he was saying—quite a contrast to their religious teachers! This was the best teaching they had ever heard” (Message Version) The King James version declares “For he taught them as one having authority, not as the scribes”. I enjoyed that so much people. You know why? Because Webster’s definition of the word Game Changer is an event, idea or procedure that effects a significant shift in current manner of doing or thinking about something. Jesus’ picture might as well be right next to this definition in the dictionary. Jesus had so much heart man! I’m telling you people get the Jesus of the cross mixed up with the Jesus of his 3-year ministry. Jesus the preacher was thug like in his approach to teaching God’s Word and performing miracles with an audacity that had never been seen before. The shade is real as He teaches the people not to be like the Scribes and Pharisees who have huge planks in their eyes yet attempt to remove small specks from their brother’s eyes.
Jesus had no qualms whatsoever about letting them know that the judgmental and critical ways in which they had previously handled God’s people and God’s laws was OVER WITH! There truly was a new sheriff in town and this one didn’t ascribe to the teaching of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. He taught rather that if someone slaps you, you should offer them your other cheek also. Oh, and If someone asks for your coat, you should give them your cloak too. If your brother offends you, you should forgive him 70 times 70.
If you follow him into chapter 8, the 1st thing He does there is heal a leper. You guys know that He had no business even going near a leper because of how unclean it was to do so. But Jesus didn’t concern himself about being politically correct, so why do we? I submit that perhaps we don’t have the boldness that our Lord possessed. I suggest that we begin to discover it though if we aspire to be game changers in our own right. No more status quo, or business as usual, or church as usual. There was no paradigm for what Jesus did in his day, so He was always shocking the onlookers with Demonstration of Power. I want to be able to do the same thing in 2019. Not for my glory, but just like the G.O.A.T., so that our Heavenly Father can be glorified. People don’t believe in Him as they should anymore, and I believe that’s our fault. I want to change that.
If you continue to follow Jesus, you’ll see that in this same chapter, He exercises that authority again with the Roman soldier and sends the Word only to heal the man’s servant. In another passage of scripture, He forbids the pharisees to stone the woman found in the act of adultery, by flipping the script and requesting the 1st one without sin to give it a try. So, you tell me. Did Jesus change the game? Yes, He did, and He is curious to know if you will do the same.
Closing Prayer: Father you sent your son into the world to change everything about the game. He did so without apology or trepidation. We ask that you anoint us with the same boldness he possessed, as we endeavor to be salt and light in this dark world. Use us to permeate the darkness for the glory of your great name and the for the restoration of the King’s Dominion. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!
Scripture: Matthew 7:29-8:1-34