Clay Chronicles

Clay Chronicles

By Katrina Fox April 8, 2023
Sacrifice is often seen as a negative concept, something that requires us to give up something we want or need. However, when we view it in a different light, sacrifice can be a powerful tool for achieving success. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of sacrifice, how it can help us reach our goals, and why it's worth the effort.
By Katrina Fox May 15, 2019
I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I always wanted an easy way to share nuggets with my fellow lumps of clay. You know the stuff that the Potter and I chat about. I'm super excited to start this journey. I hope you keep coming back to my site and check for updates right here on the blog.
By Katrina Fox April 26, 2019
Today's society has Moms busier than they've ever been. We sacrifice a lot so that our children can have more than we did growing up. What if the more than our children need is just really more of us?
By Katrina Fox-Beard March 22, 2019
Storm chasers typically track & follow storms. When the storms of life begin to rage, we should remember that we have the Ultimate Storm Chaser inside of us. He's on the inside of you & He's not afraid of storms. He just speaks to them & makes them behave!
By Katrina Fox-Beard February 1, 2019
Some participate and others just spectate. As a believer Which one are you?
By Katrina Fox-Beard January 1, 2019
It's easy to get caught up in making our own plans for a new year and omit that necessary consultation with the Holy Spirit BEFORE the Vision Board Party! After all He is supposed to be our Guide into all truth right?
By Katrina Fox-Beard December 7, 2018
I love this definition I learned from my former Pastor. He taught that Grace is the Space that it takes to get to a Place. Yesssss!!! That's exactly what God's Grace affords me. Providing for me what I cannot earn on my own. Now that's Awesome Sauce :-)
By Katrina Fox-Beard November 16, 2018
I know what the scripture says, but the real of it is that the human part of us doesn't always know how to be thankful in ALL things like the bible says. Thankful for Holy Spirit who helps us out with this :-)
By Katrina Fox April 8, 2023
Sacrifice is often seen as a negative concept, something that requires us to give up something we want or need. However, when we view it in a different light, sacrifice can be a powerful tool for achieving success. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of sacrifice, how it can help us reach our goals, and why it's worth the effort.
By Katrina Fox May 15, 2019
I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I always wanted an easy way to share nuggets with my fellow lumps of clay. You know the stuff that the Potter and I chat about. I'm super excited to start this journey. I hope you keep coming back to my site and check for updates right here on the blog.
By Katrina Fox April 26, 2019
Today's society has Moms busier than they've ever been. We sacrifice a lot so that our children can have more than we did growing up. What if the more than our children need is just really more of us?
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